Monday 12 October 2015


I am an anomalous citizen of the world currently stuck in a kingdom near the North Pole (namely Norway)
I am in a psychiatric department and currently undergoing a series of analyses to determine what mental illness plagues the existence of my mind, having much time at hand very little to do, I take this time given to expand on my experience of this public virtual space humans call "The Internet" I chose blogging as yet another activity for my (and your, if it fits your tastes) personal amusement and building of this digital library because typing seems to come to me as a natural ability. I have spent my life traveling and studying, my latest achievement was to spend the past years wrapping my head around the question of life in the form of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (you might think "'s another who's done waaaay too many drugs" the real issue is: I have not done enough and no one has handed me my medication yet!). I am not aware of how much sense my first post will make as i tend to avoid double checking my typing and I find tedious the excercise of correcting what i "say". As such, everything you read from me, is a free flow of information streaming from my brain onto my fingers through analog stimulous of motor neurons and the interaction of my fingers with the periferic interface of a keyboard and the laptop I am typing upon. Apologies if this offends the years of training you were forced into by the brain washing activity we call schooling, the limit is yours, not mine. Sorry if i sound "Douchey" but it's just how it comes out, yes, this is an outlet to the sick machinations of the innards of a sick brain. Welcome to the Internet, I shall offer no Netiquette in my contents.

PS Don't Judge a book by its cover...
the contents might amaze you

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